Thursday, June 7, 2012

Punchy punchy punchy

My mom used to always say she was punchy when she was tired and manic. I can't think of a better way to describe the way I'm feeling now, having spent 3 days with the Punch Brothers and bidding our farewells last night. Farewell for the Punch Brothers means more bourbon. More bourbon. Maybe a beer and some more bourbon. Thank you for everything. Go get 3 hours of sleep and sleepwalk your way through the airport. We were in bed at 2:30, awake at 5:30. Now we're on a plane again. Headed to Charlotte.

But first, the Palladium in Carmel, IN. Wowza. What a venue. I don't think I've ever seen a nicer theater. Last night Ben Lewis and I got to use the ol' single condenser mic setup. The audience was completely silent. Sometimes you can't tell if it's an obligatory silence or if they're truly enjoying themselves. But I think they liked it all right. Lots of people got in a line to have us sign things. It's always awkward when someone wants you to sign the t-shirt of the other band. I always fear that later, when that fan asks them to sign it, they'll see this as distasteful. Oh well. My name is on a Punch Brothers shirt now floating around somewhere in the world. Good.

Brian Merch Guy. Great guy. Real sweetheart. Someday it's my goal to afford him on the road. He's a badass. Not only does he collect vinyl, he also photographs all of them and posts them online for people. I thought I was organized. You might think you are. But Brian Merch Guy will school you. That's who you want managing your merch. Some day...

For now, I'm sizing up this bench at the Atlanta Heartsfield Airport, waiting on my connection to Charlotte. Gonna see Ben Wills and the van there. And Wes. Gonna play a show at McGlohan Theatre tonight after 3 hours of sleep and a few too many bourbons. Punchy. To say the least.

Until next time, LL

My bed at Heartsfield airport in Atlanta.  
Punch Brothers an Ben Lewis.
Sunrise drive to indy.
Our car.  Their bus.
Weir miniature wedding table? At Clarion Hotel?  Why?


  1. I can't even begin to tell you how much this post means to me. YOU'RE the sweetheart. And a badass! We'll tour together one day soon.

  2. HEY! I thought I was the ideal merch-person. My heart is broken :(
