Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Live Free or Die

Live free or die. That's the phrase I'd say best describes our life design. It's also the phrase that is on every New Hampshire license plate. These people gotta be great if even the government-made tags state such a motto.

Londonderry, I never really met you. When we did have an opportunity to check out the actual "town," Ben was distracted by a quick game of "kick a small rock around the parking lot with Nat Smith." I have to admit, I joined them for a kick or two.  Fun times. Real, real fun.

So far, this tour has had me see the early morning light more often than not. Last night after we played, we drove from Londonderry, NH to Boston to stay with strangers; very nice strangers who gave up their own beds for us. It took an hour to find a place to park. And we had to be up by 7am to either feed the meter or move the car. We just decided to stay up and clumisily drove around the busy and confusing streets of Boston looking for some food. There's plenty to choose from. With full bellies and half empty heads, we're off to Northampton, MA., not to be confused with North Hampton, NH.

Rest stops in New Hampshire have liquor stores.  Even better!

1 comment:

  1. Saw you last night at the TUPELO. Really liked your set. You havent seen NH until you go up to the White Mountains and do some hiking. Appalachian trail goes through towards the ending up in Maine. Very unseasonable warm now. We normally have snow on the ground from winter.
